Dr. Shoji Nagamiya received his Bachelor of Science degree in 1967 from the University of Tokyo and his Ph.D. in 1972 from Osaka University.

In 1972 Dr. Nagamiya became a Research Associate (Joshu) of the University of Tokyo. His next positions were Staff Scientist of LBL (1975-1982), Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo (1982-1988), Professor at Colombia University (1986-1998), Professor at the University of Tokyo (1997), and Professor of the Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) (1997-present). Dr. Nagamiya also became a Chairman of the Department of Physics, Columbia University (1991-1994), Adjunct Professor of KEK (1985-1987), Adjunct Professor of INS, the University of Tokyo (1988-1991), and Adjunct Professor of Waseda University (1994-present).

Dr. Nagamiya has received many notable awards: Sakkokai Foundation Fellow (1972-1975), Nishina Scholarship Fellow (1973), and the Inoue Science Prize (1992).

He has served as a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Physical Society of Japan (1984-1986), Il Nuovo Cimento, A. (1989-1996), Advisory Committee Physics Journal, G. (1992-present), International Journal of Modern Physics, E. (1992-present).

From 1985-1987 Dr. Nagamiya also served as a Chairman of the Nuclear Physics Committee of Japan. Dr. Nagamiya also was member of the following committees: RHIC Policy Committee (1985-1990), LBL Visiting Committee (1986-1989), Evaluation Committee Swedish Natural Research Council (1987), ORNL Visiting Committee (1987-1991), Chairman of the Stony Brook Radiation Laboratory Review Committee (1988), DOE Bevalac Review Panel (1989), AUI/BNL Visiting Committee (1992-present), GSI Visiting Committee (1992), Wissenschaftlicher Rat GSI (1994-present), PAC: Program Advisory Committee at KEK (1982-1996), PAC at BNL (1993-1996), PAC at FNAL (1998-present), APS-DNP Program Committee (1989-1990), APS-DNP Physics News Committee (1991).

The research interests of Dr. Nagamiya's was relativistic heavy-ion physics at the GSI, AGS, SPS, and RHIC energy domains. His current research interest focuses on the strangeness production and its correlation's, lepton and photon measurements at RHIC in addition to hadron measurements at RHIC. Because of these interests, Dr. Nagamiya served as a co-spokesman of E802 at AGS, spokesman at PHENIX at RHIC (1992-1997). Since 1997, Dr. Nagamiya also has been working as a head of the Japan Hadron Facility (JHF) Project Office at KEK. Presently, Dr. Nagamiya's main job is the promotion of constructing a new high-power proton accelerator complex in Japan that is to include pulsed neutron facilities that use a GeV-region high-power proton accelerator and the Kaon factory type high energy/high-intensity proton beam facility using a 50 GeV proton synchrotron.



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