JSPS Info Session titled “Research Opportunities between Canada and Japan” was held at Johnson Hall, University of Ottawa on Thursday, October 13th, 2022.
The event welcomed about 30 participants from University of Ottawa and Carleton University. Following the opening remarks by Dr. Kohji Hirata (Director of JSPS Washington Office), Prof. Martine Lagacé (Associate Vice-President, Research Promotion and Development ) and Mr. Tokuro Furuya (Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Japan in Canada) gave congratulatory remarks.
After the presentations by JSPS Washington Office, JSPS former fellow and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the presenters received various questions from audience.
-Co- Sponsors: JSPS Washington Office, the University of Ottawa
Reference: https://jspsusa.org/wp/info-session-2022/

- 投稿タグ
- FY2022