Thank you for your attendance! Please see the report from here.
Japanese follows English. 日本語は英語の後に記載しています。
Date: Friday, June 9th, 2023, 1:00 pm – 6:10 pm (EDT)
Format: Hybrid (Onsite & Online)
Venue*Invitation only: Cosmos Club (2121 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC)
Theme: Quantum Taste of the Universe
Online Registration is HERE. [Closed]
Deadline of Registration: Thursday, June 8th, 2023 (EDT)
Please download the booklet from HERE. (as of June 9th)
Recent observations of the universe by various means together with experiments with particle accelerators have yielded a great deal of surprising features of the universe. To explore the quantum nature of the universe, new plans are now underway utilizing quantum field technology for observations.
In Japan, The International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles (QUP) ( was newly established in 2021 at KEK, an internationally leading accelerator research institute. The target is to explore the quantum universe by building the science of quantum field measurement systems.
In this Forum, pioneering researchers from Japan and the U.S. will focus on various attempts to “taste” the quantum field universe by new means. After a keynote speech by QUP Director, Masashi Hazumi, the planned observation of cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the ground and in space using low-temperature quantum detectors, and the new attempts applying new quantum field techniques to detect the dark matter, still to be identified, will be introduced in the session and there will be a discussion of the future direction and Japan-U.S. cooperation on this field. We will also point out that the technology developed in this way will contribute to the future society and discuss future research directions.
Sponsor: JSPS
Co-Sponsors :
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science)
DOE (Department of Energy)
KEK (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
NSF (National Science Foundation)
QUP (International Center for Quantum-field Measurement Systems for Studies of the Universe and Particles)
Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.
US and Canada JSPS Alumni Association
WPI (World Premier International Research Center Initiative)

You can see the past forum at Science in Japan Forum page on this website.
EDT | Agenda |
1:00pm | Opening Remarks |
1:20pm | Keynote Speech Masashi Hazumi (QUP, KEK) |
2:00pm | Session 1: Observations of the quantum fields in the early universe through Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Adrian T. Lee (QUP / University of California, Berkeley) Akito Kusaka (The University of Tokyo / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
3:00pm | Coffee Break |
3:20pm | Session 2: Dark Matter, searching for relic quantum fields in the current universe Reina Maruyama (Yale University) Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (QUP / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
4:20pm | Session 3: Quantum field and future society Hideo Iizuka (QUP / Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.) |
4:50pm | Coffee Break |
5:10pm | Session 4: Panel Discussion “Future of quantum-field measurements” Moderator: Dmitri Denisov (Brookhaven National Laboratory / Stony Brook University) +All Speakers |
6:00pm | Closing Remarks |
独立行政法人日本学術振興会ワシントン研究連絡センターは「Quantum Taste of the Universe」をテーマとして国際フォーラム“The Science in Japan” Forumを開催します。
日時: 2023年6月9日(金) 1:00 pm – 6:10 pm(EDT)【日本時間 6月10日(土)2:00 AM – 7:10 AM (JST)】
会場: 【招待客のみ】Cosmos Club (2121 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008)
テーマ:Quantum Taste of the Universe
オンライン登録:こちらから 【 2023年6月8日(木)(EDT)締め切り】締め切りました。
主催: 日本学術振興会ワシントン研究連絡センター(JSPS Washington Office)
日本学術振興会米国・カナダ研究者同窓会(US and Canada JSPS Alumni Association)

過去の“The Science in Japan” Forumについてはこちらのページをご覧ください。
東海岸時間 | プログラム |
1:00pm | 開会 |
1:20pm | Keynote Speech Masashi Hazumi (QUP, KEK) |
2:00pm | Session 1: Observations of the quantum fields in the early universe through Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) Adrian T. Lee (QUP / University of California, Berkeley) Akito Kusaka (The University of Tokyo / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
3:00pm | 休憩 |
3:20pm | Session 2: Dark Matter, searching for relic quantum fields in the current universe Reina Maruyama (Yale University) Maurice Garcia-Sciveres (QUP / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
4:20pm | Session 3: Quantum field and future society Hideo Iizuka (QUP / Toyota Central R&D Labs., Inc.) |
4:50pm | 休憩 |
5:10pm | Session 4: Panel Discussion “Future of quantum-field measurements” Moderator: Dmitri Denisov (Brookhaven National Laboratory / Stony Brook University) +All Speakers |
6:00pm | 閉会 |
- 投稿タグ
- FY2023