The Call for Nominations of 2023 (39th) International Prize for Biology has been opened.

The International Prize for Biology is a commemorative prize to celebrate the sixty-year reign of Emperor Showa and his longtime devotion to biological research. It also pays tribute to the Emperor Emeritus, who has striven for many years to advance the study of gobioid fish taxonomy while contributing continuously to the developing of this prize.

Based on nominations gathered from around the world, the Prize is normally given to one biologist who has made an outstanding contribution in a research field of the year to make advance in biological sciences.

The Prize consists of a medal and an award of 10-million yen. The award ceremony is held in the presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Crown Prince and Crown Princess Akishino. In conjunction with the ceremony, a commemorative symposium is also held and the Prize recipient is asked to attend both of these events.

The research field of this year’s Prize is “Biology of Genomes.”

In this regard, we would like to invite you to nominate a recipient for the 2023 Prize.

Please visit the Prize webpage at, download the nomination format, type the necessary information in English and send them to the secretariat by e-nomination form.

Research field of the 2023 (39th) Prize: Biology of Genomes
Deadline: April 14, 2023

Please find details about the Prize at

Thanking you for your kind cooperation and we look forward to receiving an excellent nomination from you.

Sincerely yours,

Secretariat of the Committee on the International Prize for Biology
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


国際生物学賞は、昭和天皇の御在位60年と長年にわたる生物学の御研究を記念するとともに、本賞の発展に寄与されている上皇陛下の長年にわたる魚類分類学(ハゼ類)の御研究を併せて記念し、生物学の奨励を目的とした賞です。日本学術振興会は本賞の創設以来、国際生物学賞委員会の事務局(委員長:藤吉 好則 東京医科歯科大学特別栄誉教授)を務めております。




授賞対象分野:ゲノム生物学(Biology of Genomes)

推薦方法:日本学術振興会ウェブサイト(にアクセスし、電子推薦受付フォーム(“NOMINATION FORM”)に必要事項を英語でご記入の上、同サイトにあるフォームから作成した候補者の研究業績“Nominee Achievement Form”をアップロードしてください。


締 切:令和5(2023)年4月14日(金)

担当:独立行政法人日本学術振興会  国際生物学賞事務局