An Academic forum, titled “Climate Change, Human Health, and Resiliency Forum” was held at City University of New York on February 24, 2023, hosted by Research Foundation, City University of New York (RFCUNY) and co-sponsored by JSPS Washington Office.
3 researchers from Japan, and 3 researchers and 1 Ph.D. student from CUNY presented on the topic of Climate Change, Human Health, and Resiliency. The speakers are listed below:
(Japan side)
Yoonhee Kim, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
Yasushi Honda, Emeritus professor, Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Services, University of Tsukuba
Masahiro Hashizume, Professor, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo (recorded presentation)
(CUNY side)
Jenna Tipaldo, PhD student, Environmental & Planetary Health Sciences, CUNY SPH
Ilias Kavouras, Dept. Chair, Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences, CUNY SPH
William Solecki, Professor, Geography, CUNY Hunter College
Patrizia Casaccia, Director, Neurosciences Initiative, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC)
JSPS provided its project description, JSPS International Fellowship, and RFCUNY provided an explanation of NSF and NIH opportunities on Climate Change, Human Health, and Resiliency, and introduced future grant programs related to research exchange.