Science in Japan Forum 2016
The 21st “Science in Japan” Forum was held on June 10 at the Cosmos Club in Washington, DC. Themed “US-Japan Collaboration in Space Science -Past, Present and Future-” it featured distinguished speakers from Japan and the US. The forum was opened by Mitsuaki Nozaki, Director, JSPS Washington Office; followed by Masayuki Inoue, Special Advisor for International Affairs, JSPS Headquarters; then by Rita R. Colwell, Professor, University of Maryland; and lastly, Atsuyuki Oike, Minister Plenipotentiary and Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan in the US.
The Keynote Lectures were given by Saku Tsuneta, Director General, Institute of Space Astronautical Science, JAXA; and Geoffery L. Yoder, Associate Administrator for the Science Mission Directorate, NASA. Throughout the day, the following speakers gave excellent talks and received questions during lively Q&A time. The forum was closed by Paul Hertz who made valuable observations and concluded the forum.
Approx. 110 participants, including researchers from universities, research institutes and government agencies attended the event. The successful results of the event with strong support from Co-Sponsor organizations show the good relations between Japan and the US which have been cultivated through the forum.